Hydropower Abbreviations and Acronyms List - by Hobo Maps - Go Back to Hydropower Projects Web Page --- Home

Abbreviations and acronyms below edited and conformed to terms commonly used in Lao PDR hydropower projects.

Ω = Ohm (electrical resistance measure represented by the Greek letter omega (Ω))

Ω/Km = Ohm per kilometer

oC = degrees Celsius (Centigrade)

oF = degrees Fahrenheit

18°26'09"N = 18 degrees, 26 minutes, 9 seconds north latitude

102°56'49"E = 102 degrees, 56 minutes, 49 seconds east longitude

116 = 11,000,000

10-3 NM-B cable = 10 gauge diameter 3-wire Non-Metallic electric conductor

CH4 = methane

cm2 = square centimeters = cm^2

cm3 = cubic centimeters = cm^3

CO2 = carbon dioxide

H2O = water

in2 = square inch = in^2

in3 = cubic inch = in^3

ft2 = square foot = ft^2

ft3 = cubic foot = ft^3

ft3/s = cubic feet per second = ft^3/s

kg = kilogram

kg/m2 = kilograms per square meter = kg/m^2

km2 = square kilometers = km^2

km3 = cubic kilometers = km^3

kN/m³ = Kilonewton per cubic meter - weight of water is 10 kN/m3

m2 = square meters = m^2

m3 = cubic meters = m^3

m3/s = cubic meters per second = m^3/s

m3/s/km2 = cubic meters per second per square kilometer

mm2 = square millimeter = mm^2

mm3 = cubic millimeter = mm^3

N2O = nitrous oxide

O₃ = ozone

r/m = revolutions per minute

t/km2/yr = tons per square kilometer per year

yd2 = square yard = yd^2

yd3 = cubic yard = yd^3

yd3/s = cubic yards per second = yd^3/s

2x = 2 times (multiply by 2), 3x = 3 times, etc.

3R = Reduce, Reuse and Recycle

3S = 3 large rivers in southern Laos & Cambodia with "S" names - Sekong, Sesan and Srepok


A = Ampere

AAGR = average annual growth rate

ac = alternating current

ACC = ASEAN Coordinating Council

ACCC = ASEAN Connectivity Coordinating Committee

ACCEPT = ASEAN Climate Change and Energy Project

ACCWG = ASEAN Coordinating Council Working Group

ACE = ASEAN Center for Energy

ACEMS = Ayeyawady-Chao Phraya-Mekong Economic Cooperation Strategy

ACER = Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators

ACSR = Aluminum Conductor Cable Steel Reinforced - a type of high-capacity and high-strength stranded conductor used in long-distance overhead power lines

ACSR/GA = Aluminium Conductor Steel Reinforced, using Class A galvanized steel wire

ADB = Asian Development Bank

ADCP = Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers - instruments used to measure water velocities, direction of flow and depth.

ADMS = Advanced Distribution Management System

ADPC = Asian Disaster Preparedness Center

ADR  = Automated Demand Response

AECOM - name of international infrastructure consulting firm (looks like acronym but not)

AEDP = Alternative Energy Development Plan

AEDS = ASEAN Energy Database System

AFCI =Arc Fault Circuit Interrupter, senses power fluctuations when sparking ("arcing") occurs between contact points in a wire connection and may trip or break the circuit

AFD = Agence Française de Développement or Agence Française pour le Developement

AFTA = ASEAN Free Trade Area

AGC = automatic generation control; a system for adjusting the power output of multiple generators at different power plants and synchronize the outputs (to 50 HZ)

AGEP = ASEAN-German Energy Program

AIIB = Asian Infrastructure Investment

AIMS = ASEAN Interconnection Master Plan Study

AIMS = Aquaculture of Indigenous Mekong Fish Species Project

AIS = Air-Insulated Substation

aka = also known as

Al = aluminum

ALS = Automatic Load Shedding

AMCF = Assessment of Mekong Capture Fisheries Component

AMF = average monthly flow

AMI = Advanced Metering Infrastructure

AMS = ASEAN Member States

AMS = Application Management Services

amsl = above mean sea level

ANCOVA = analysis of covariance

ANSI = American National Standards Institute

APAEC = ASEAN Plan of Action for Energy Cooperation

APC = Automatic power controller

APG = ASEAN Power Grid

APGCC = ASEAN Power Grid Consultative Committee

APL = Adaptable Program Loan

AQI = Air Quality Index - a numerical index used for reporting severity of air pollution levels to the public. For current levels in Laos see https://www.iqair.com/laos .

AQIP = Aquaculture Improvement and Extension Project

A/R = Afforestation / Reforestation

ARI = average return interval

ASEAN = Association of Southeast Asian Nations

ASHDCT = Automatic System of Hydrologic Data Collection and Transmission

ASTM = American Society for Testing and Materials

ATC = available transmission capacity

ATSPT = Average Tolerance Score Per Taxon

aux. = auxiliary; supplementary

AVC = Automatic voltage controller

AvCap = Available Capacity

AVR = Automatic voltage regulator

AWG = American Wire Gauge is the USA standard measure for the diameter of electrical conductors.

AWGCME = ASEAN Working Group on Coastal and Marine Environment

BAP = Biodiversity Action Plan

BAU = business as usual

bbl = barrel

BCEL = Banque Pour Le Commerce Exterieur Lao Public

bcf = billion cubic feet

bcfd = billion cubic feet per day

bcm = billion cubic meters

BCP = Base Capacity Price

BCPG = BCPG Public Company Limited (Bangchak Public Group?)

BCR = Benefit Cost Ratio

BCS = Battery Charging Station

BDP = Basin Development Planning / Basin Development Plan / Basin Development Program

BDS = Basin Development Strategy

BESS = battery electric storage system

BFI = Bank and Finance Institutions

BFI = bilateral financial institutions

BFMS = Basin-wide Fisheries Management and Development Strategy

BIC = BCPG Indochina Co.

BIDV = Bank for Investment and Development of Vietnam

BioRA = Biological Resources Assessment

BL = base line

BLT = build, lease, transfer

BM = Build Margin

BMEC = BMEC Engineering & Consulting Co., Ltd.

BMZ = Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung - German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development

BOD = Biological Oxygen Demand

BOO = build-own-operate

BOOT = build–own–operate–transfer

BOT = build–operate–transfer

BRI = Belt and Road Initiative (China's)

BRIM = Biosphere Reserve Integrated Monitoring Program

BS = British Standard - current standard for electrical wiring in the UK

BSM = benefit sharing mechanisms

Btu = British Thermal Unit - a measure of heat energy equal to 0.000293 kilowatt hour

BUS = Binary Unit System is used to transfer data between participants in a network

C = Celsisus (formerly Centigrade)

CA = Concession Agreement

CACM = Capacity Allocation and Congestion Management

CAGR = compound annual growth rate

CAP = Corrective Action Plan

CAPE = country assistance program evaluation

CAPEX = capital expenditure

CB = Circuit Breaker

CBA = Cost Benefit Analysis

CBD = Convention on Biological Diversity

CBO = Community Based Organizations

CBRC&MCL = Chanthavone Bridge, Road Construction and Maintenance Company Ltd.

CCA = climate change adaptation

CCAI = Climate Change Adaptation Initiative - of Mekong River Commission

CCCC = China Communications Construction Company Ltd.

CCIA = climate change impact assessment

CCILMB = Committee for Coordination of Investigations of the Lower Mekong Basin (of the Mekong River Commission)

CDB = China Development Bank

CDE = Center for Development and Environment

CDE = Carbon Dioxide Equivalent - a term used in the global warming potential (GWP) system that compares the emissions from various greenhouse gases based on their global warming potential using carbon dioxide as the base for comparison. The CDE for methane is 24.5 which means it has 24.5 times more GWP than carbon dioxide.

CDEP = Committee for Development of Electric Power

CDM = Clean Development Mechanism (under Kyoto Protocol)

CDTO = China Datang Overseas Investment Co

CEAR = Construction & Erection All Risks (Insurance)

CEEC = China Energy Engineering Corporation

CEIEC = China National Electronics Import-Export Corporation

CEMMP = Contractor’s Environmental Management and Monitoring Plan

CEMP = Contractor’s Environmental Management Plan

CERs = certified emission reductions (under Kyoto Protocol)

CER = consumer energy resources - renewable energy systems commonly located at homes or businesses - also referred to as distributed energy resources (DER) or behind-the-meter systems. 

CES = Cryogenic Energy Storage

CEWA = Charoen Energy and Water Asia Co. Ltd. (Thailand)

CF = Capacity factor

CFD = Computational Fluid Dynamics - the numerical method of simulating fluid motion using computational methods and hardware.

CFG = configuration

CFRD = concrete-faced rockfill dam

cfs = cubic feet per second -1 cfs is equal to 7.48 gallons per second

CGGC = China Gezhouba Group Company Limited

CGIAR = Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research

CGN = China General Nuclear Power Group

CH4 = methane: one of the most potent of greenhouse gases

CHIRPS = Compressed High Intensity Radar Pulse

CHMC = China National Heavy Machinery Corporation

CIA = Cumulative Impact Assessment

CIF = Cost Indurance and Freight

CIFEC = Committee for Investment Management and Foreign Economic Cooperation

CIFOR = Center for International Forestry Research

CIPSC = Central Investment Promotion Steering Committee

CIS = Customer Information Systems

CITES = Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species

CKHX = Chiang Khong & Houay Xai

CKP = CK Power Plc. (the power generation arm of construction firm CH Karnchang Plc.)

CLMV = Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar and Vietnam

cm = centimeters

cm2 = square centimeters

CMC = Coordination and Monitoring Center

CMG = crisis management group

CMHC = China National Heavy Machinery Co.

CMMS = computerized maintenance management system

CNC = Computerized Numerical Control - controlling a machine tool or other device automatically with a computer program

CNMC = Cambodia National Mekong Committee

CNR = Compagnie Nationale du Rhone (France)

CNY = Chinese yuan renminbi

CO2 = carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas often created by burning of fossil fuels

COBSE = Coordinating Body on the Seas of East Asia

COCD = Construction Obligation Commencement Date

COD = Commercial Operation Date

CPAWM = Center for Protected Areas and Watershed Management

CPP  = Critical Peak Pricing

CPU = Central Processing Unit

CPUE = Catch Per Unit Effort

CRBMF = core river basin management function

CRMN = Core River Monitoring Network

CRPF = Compensation and Resettlement Policy Framework

CRVA = Climate Risk and Vulnerability Assessment

CSE = Charoen Sekong Energy Company

CSG = China Southern Power Grid

CSO = civil society organization

CSOs = civil society organizations

CSP = power project developer CS Power

CSPELC = commercial price of electricity

CSR = corporate social responsibility

CTA = Chief Technical Advisor

ctg = combustion turbine generator

CTG = China Three Gorges Corporation

Cu = copper

CU = Crisis Unit

CV = control valve

CVC = Conventional Mass Concrete (dam structure type)

CWE = China International Water & Electric Corp.

CWTW = Chongqing Water Turbine Works Co.

D&B = drilling and blasting - method used to excavate underground passages such as tunnels (alternative to use of a tunnel-boring machine)

DA = Distribution Automation

DAFO = District Agriculture and Forestry Office

DAGAP = Data Acquisition and Generation Action Plan

DBCA = District Biodiversity Conservation Area

DBM = Drill and Blast Method (tunnel excavation)

dc = direct current

DCA = Distribution Contingency Analysis

DCI = Dendritic Connectivity Index

DCTL = Double Circuit Transmission Line

DDF = Dry Dipterocarp Forest

DEB = Department of Energy Business

DEC = Dongfang Electric Corp. - China-based

DEF = Dry Evergreen Forest

DEIR = Draft Environmental Impact Report

DEIS = Draft Environmental Impact Statement

DEM = Department of Energy Management,

DEM = Digital Elevation Model

DEPD = Department of Energy Promotion and Development

DEPP = Department of Energy Policy and Planning

Dept. = Department

DER = distributed energy resources - privately-owned renewable energy systems at homes or businesses - behind-the-meter systems

DFI = Development financial institution (Development Bank)

DGA = Dissolved Gas Analysis

DGM = Dept. of Geology and Mines

DGRC = District Grievance Redress Committee

DHO = District Health Office

DHPM = Department of Hygiene and Preventive Medicine

DHRW = Department of Hydrology and River Works, Cambodia

DIN = "Deutsche Institut fur Normung" - a German organization that sets standards for electrical equipment

DLE = Distribution Load Estimation

DLF = Department of Livestock and Fisheries

DLF = Distribution Load Forecasting

DMH = Department of Meteorology and Hydrology (Lao PDR)

DMM = Department of Mining Management

DMS = Degrees Minutes Seconds (coordinates)

DMS = Distribution Management System

DNA = Designated National Authorities

DO = dissolved oxygen

DOE = Department of Electricity (Laos in the past)

DOEM = District Office of Energy and Mines

DOF = Department of Forestry

DOLHM = Department of Land and Housing Management

DONRE = District Office of Natural Resources and Environment

DOPF = Department of Planning, Cooperation and Finance

DP = Development Partner

DPC = Department of Planning and Cooperation

DPF = Distribution Power Flow

DPRA = Development Project Responsible Agency

DRC = District Resettlement Committee

DRP  = Demand Response Provider

DRWG = District Resettlement Working Groups

DS or D/S = downstream

DSC = Downstream Channel

DSCR = Debt Service Coverage Ratio

DSE = Distribution State Estimation

DSEG = Dam Safety Expert Group

DSEP = Dam Safety Emergency Plans

DSF = Decision Support Framework

DSH = Don Sahong

DSHPP = Don Sahong Hydropower Project

DSM = Discharge and sediment monitoring

DSM = Demand Side Management

DSM/EE = Demand-Side Management and Energy Efficiency Program

DSMP = Discharge and Sediment Monitoring Program

DSMS = Dam Safety Management System

DSO = distribution system operator

DSP = Distributed System Platform

DSPF = Department of Statistics, Planning and Finances

DSRA = Debt Service Reserve Account

DSRP = Dam Safety Review Panel

DSS = Decision support systems

DTP = China Datang International Power Generation Co., Ltd

DWG = District Working Groups

DWR = Department of Water Resources (Thailand government)

DWRM = Department of Water Resources Management (in Vietnam)

EA = Environmental Assessment

EAMP = Environmental Assessment and Management Plan

EAP = Emergency Action Plans

EBITDA = earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization

ECA = Export Credit Agency

ECC = Environmental Compliance Certificate

ECI = Electricity Construction and Installation

ECU = Environmental Compliance Unit

ED = execution date - the date on which a legal agreement is signed by both Parties and becomes effective

EDC = Electricité du Cambodge (Cambodia) - a state-owned electricity utility responsible for electricity generation, transmission and distribution in Cambodia

EDL = Electricité du Laos  - a state-owned electricity utility responsible for electricity generation, transmission and distribution in Lao PDR.

EDL-Gen = EDL Generation Public Co. Ltd – a public company responsible for some of EDL’s power generation activities.

EDL-Gen Solar = a subsidiary of EDL-Gen established in 2015 to focus on developing solar energy projects in Laos

EDLT = Électricité du Laos Transmission Company Ltd.

EDLTC = EDL Training Center

EDP = Ethnic Development Plan

EE = Excess Energy

EEC = energy efficiency and conservation

EEMP = Environment Emergency Mitigation Plan

EER = Energy Efficiency Ratio

E-flows = Environmental Flows

EGAT = Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand

EGATi = Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand International

EGCO = Electricity Generating Public Company (of Thailand)

EGDP = Ethnic Group Development Plan

EGEF = Ethnic Groups Engagement Framework

EGEM = Expert Group on Environmental Management

EGPD = Electricity Generation Planning Division

EHI = Ecological Health Index

EHM = Ecological health monitoring

EHV = Extra High Voltage

EIA = Environmental Impact Assessment

EIR = Environmental Impact Report

EIRR = Economic Internal Rate of Return

EIS = Environmental Impact Statement

El. = elevation

ELC = electronic load controller

E & M = electrical and mechanical equipment

E & S = environmental and social

EMA = Singapore’s Energy Market Authority

EMCO = Environmental Management Committee Office

EMCS  = Energy Management Control System

EMD = Environmental Management Division

EMDP = Ethnic Minority Development Plan

EMF = electromagnetic force

EMI = electromagnetic interference

EMMP = Environmental Management and Monitoring Plan

EMO = Environmental Management Office

EMP = electromagnetic pulse

EMP = environmental management plan

EMS = Environmental Management System

EMT = electric metal tubing

EMUs = Environmental Management Units

EOD = Explosive Ordnance Disposal

EP = Environmental Program

EPC Contract = engineering, procurement and construction contract

EPCC = engineering, procurement, construction and commissioning

EPCM = Engineering, Procurement, Construction and Management Agreement

EPD = Energy Planning Division

EPDP = Ethnic People Development Plan

EPF = Electric Power Forum

EPF = Environmental Protection Fund

EPL = Environmental Protection Law

EPP = Emergency Preparedness Plan

EPPEI = Electric Power Planning & Engineering Institute

EPPO = Energy Policy and Planning Office (in Thailand)

ERC = Energy Regulatory Committee (in Thailand)

ERP = Emergency Response Plan

ERPA = Emissions Reduction Purchase Agreement

E&S = Environmental and Social

ESAP = Environmental and Social Action Plan

esc. = enterprise standard costs; a form of indirect cost

ESCAP = Environmental and Social Corrective Action Plan

ESCAP = Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific

ESCO = Energy Service Companies

ESD = Environment and Social Division

ESDD = Environmental and Social Due Diligence

ESF = Environmental and Social Framework

ESG = Environmental, Social and Governance 

ESIA = Environmental and Social Impact Assessment

ESMAP = Energy Sector Management Assistance Program (World Bank)

ESMF = Environmental and Social Management Framework

ESMMP = Environmental and Social Management and Monitoring Plans

ESMMP-CP = Environmental and Social Management and Monitoring Plans-Construction Phase

ESMP = Environmental and Social Management Plan

ESP = Environment and Social Program

ESRS = Environmental & Social Review Summary

ESSP = Environmental and Social Sustainability Policy

EV = Electric-powered Vehicle

EVALS - proprietary dimensioning and evaluation software used to evaluate hydropower projects

EVN = Electricity of Viet Nam, the national energy company of Vietnam

EVN PMB = Electricity of Viet Nam Power Project Management Board

EVN NPT = Electricity of Viet Nam National Power Transmission

EVs = Electric-powered Vehicles

Ex Ante = a forecast based on estimates rather than actual results (before the event)

Ex Post= a forecast based on actual results (after the event)

EXIM = Export–Import Bank

F = Fahrenheit

FA = Feeder Automation

FACTS = Flexible Alternating Current Transmission Systems

FAD = fish attraction devices

FADM = Fish Abundance and Diversity Monitoring

FAIV = Fast acting isolating valve

FAO = Food and Agriculture Organization (United Nations)

FCB = fast cut back

FCP = Frequency Containment Process

FCZ = Fishing Control Zone

FDC = flow duration curve

FDI = foreign direct investment

FDIR = Fault Detection Isolation and Restoration

FEEG = Fisheries and Environment Expert Group

FFA = flood frequency analysis

FFC = Fixed-Frequency Control

FFGS = flash floods guidance system

FFS = Final Feasibility Study

FGD = Focus group discussion

FIDIC = is a French language acronym for Fédération Internationale Des Ingénieurs-Conseils, which means the international federation of consulting engineers

FIPC = Forest Inventory and Planning Centre

FIRR = Financial Internal Rate of Return

FishMAP = Fisheries Monitoring Action Plan

FIT = feed-in tariffs

FLDM = Fish larvae drift monitoring

FMECA = Failure mode, effects and criticality analysis

FMIS = Financial Management Information System

FMS = Financial Management System

FMV = Fair Market Value

FOEAS = Farm-Oriented Enhancing Aquatic System

FOMACOP = Forestry Management and Conservation Project

FOMC = Fixed Operations and Maintenance Charge

FPV = floating photovoltaic

FRCD = Forest Resource Conservation Division (of Lao Department of Forestry)

FRL = full reservoir level

FS = Feasibility Study

FSL = full supply level

FSR = Feasibility Study Report

FPV = floating photo voltaic

FWL = Flood Water Level

FY = fiscal year

GA = Gap Assessment

GCB = Generator Circuit Breaker

GDP = Gross Domestic Product

GEC = grounding electrode conductor

GED = Gulf Energy Development (Thailand based)

GEF = Global Environmental Fund

GEI = Global Environmental Institute

GFCI = Ground Fault Circuit Interruptor, a type of circuit breaaker

GFL = Great Fault Line

GHG = Greenhouse Gas

GIS = Geographic Information System

GIS = gas-insulated switchgear (a gas-insulated device that houses electrical devices such as circuit breakers)

GIZ = German Agency for International Cooperation - "Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit"

GMD = geomagnetic disturbance

GML = Gnommalath (town/district)

GMS = Greater Mekong Subregion - Lao PDR is the only GMS country with contiguous borders with all the others.

GOL (GoL) = Government of Lao PDR

GPAR = Governance and Public Administration Reform

gpd = gallons per day

gpm = gallons per minute

gps = gallons per second

GPS = Global Positioning System

GPSC = Global Power Synergy Public Co Ltd

GRC = Grievance Redress Committee

GRID = Gender Resource and Information Development

GRM = Grievance Redress Mechanism

GRP = glass reinforced plastic - a mixture of reinforced fibres and fine glass used to make strong plastic pipe.

GSCI = Global Sustainable Competitiveness Index

GTSEZ = Golden Triangle Special Economic Zone

GUI = graphical user interface

GW = gigawatt

GWh = gigawatt hours

GWh/y = gigawatt hours per year

GWP = Global Warming Potential - A system used to compare the global warming potential of various greenhouse gases using carbon dioxide as the base for comparison. The GWP for methane is 24.5 which means it pollutes 24.5 times more than carbon dioxide.

h = hour

ha = hectare

HAGL = Hoang Anh Gia Lai - a Vietnamese company

HAPUA = Heads of ASEAN Power Utilities /Authorities

HCD = hydrokinetic conversion device

HCD = Hydraulic control device

HCFCs = halogenated fluorocarbons; a type of greenhouse gas

HCIG = Hebei Construction and Investment Group Co., Ltd.

HCP = Hourly Capacity Payment

HCS = Hydraulic control system

HCV = High Conservation Value

HCVA = High Conservation Value Area

HDPE = High-density polyethylene

HDVC = Hydro driven control valve

HEC = Hydropower Engineering Consultants

HECS = Hydrokinetic Energy Conversion Systems

HEG = Hydrology Expert Group

HFCs = hydrofluorocarbons; a type of greenhouse gas

HFO = heavy fuel oil

hh (HH) = households

HHPC = Houay Ho Power Company

HIA = Health Impact Assessment - describes impacts a new hydropower project may have on the health and well-being of  people in affected areas

HLG = Houay Lamphan Gnai

HLO = high-level outlet

HMS = Hydrologic Modeling System

HOL = Highest Operating Level

HP = Horsepower

HPCC = HydroPower Control Center

HPP = Hydropower Project

HRWL = highest regulated water level

HSAP = Hydropower Sustainable Assessment Protocol

HSE = Health, Safety and Environment

HSR = high-speed railway

HV = high voltage (typically all voltages over 200 kilovolts)

HVAC = heating, ventilation and air conditioning

HVAC = high-voltage alternating current

HVDC = high-voltage direct current

HVPL = High voltage power line

Hwy. = Highway

HYCOS = Hydrological Cycle Observation System

HYDRAF = Hydrologic Remote Sensing Analysis for Floods

Hz = Hertz

IBFM = Integrated Basin Flow Management

IBP = Indicative Basin Plan

IBRD = International Bank for Reconstruction and Development

ICCILMB = Interim Committee for Coordination of Investigations of the Lower Mekong Basin (of the Mekong River Commission)

ICEM = International Center for Environmental Management

ICOLD = International Commission on Large Dams

ICSID = International Center for Settlement of Investment Disputes (World Bank)

ICT = Information and Communications Technology

IDA = International Development Association

IDC = Indirect costs (overhead costs)

IDF = inflow design flood

IDLC = Integrated Direct Load Control

IDRC = International Development Research Center

IDSM = Integrated Demand Side Management - the joining together of all resources utilitity providers have to plan, generate and supply electricity as efficiently as possible.

IEA = International Energy Agency

IEC = International Electrotechnical Commission (based in Switzerland and has a global focus)

IEDs = intelligent electronic devices

IEE = Initial Environmental Examination

IEEE = Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (based in the United States and focuses on North America)

IFAD = International Fund For Agricultural Development

IFC = International Finance Corporation

IFDP = Indigenous Fishery Development Project

IFI = International Financing Institution (such as ADB & World Bank)

IFReDI = Inland Fisheries Research and Development Institute

IFRM = Integrated Flood Risk Management

IGA = inter-governmental agreement

IHA = International Hydropower Association

IKMP = Information and Knowledge Management Platform

ILF = ILF Consulting Engineers

ILO = intermediate level outlet

IMA = Independent Monitoring Agency

IMDG = International Maritime Dangerous Goods

IMF = International Monetary Fund

IMO = International Maritime Organization

Imp/kWh = short for Impressions per kWh (unit) of electricity which passes through a measuring meter where one 'impression' is a brief flash of an LED.

IMPE = Institute of Malariology, Parasitology and Entomology

IMR = Infant mortality Rate

inc. = incorporated

INDC = Intended Nationally-Determined Contribution

INRAE = Institute for Agriculture, Food and the Environment (France)

IOD = Initial Operation Date

I/O = input/output

IPCC = International Panel on Climate Change

IPD = Investment Promotion Department

IPDP = Indigenous Peoples Development Plan

IPP = Independent Power Producer

IRD = Institute for Research and Development - Institut de Recherche pour le Développement

IRENA = International Renewable Energy Agency

IREP = Institute of Renewable Energy Promotion

IRN = International Rivers Network

IRP = Integrated Resource Planning

IRR = Internal Rate of Return

IRRP = Integrated Resource and Resilience Planning

ISH - Initiative for Sustainable Hydropower

ISIS = Integrated Surface Irradiance Study

ISO = International Standards Organization

ISP = Information Sharing Platform

ISP = Integrated System Plan

ISRM = International Society for Rock Mechanics

ITD = Italian Thai Development Public Company Limited

ITO = Independent Transmission Operators

IUCN = International Union for Conservation of Nature & Natural Resources

IVR = Interactive Voice Response 

IVVC = Integrated Voltage/Var Control

IWED = International Water Event Database

IWMI = International Water Management Institute

IWRM = Integrated Water Resources Management

JAP = Joint Action Plan

JBIC = Japan Bank for International Cooperation

JC = Joint Committee

JCCCN = Joint Committee on Coordination of Commercial Navigation (on Lancang-Mekong River)

JCM = Joint Consultative Meeting (ASEAN)

JCWG = Joint Committee Working Group

JDB = Joint Development Bank

JEM = Joint Environmental Monitoring

JICA = Japan International Cooperation Agency

JMP = Joint Monitoring Program

JWG = Joint Working Group

k = kilo - a decimal unit prefix in the metric system denoting multiplication by one thousand

KANSAI = Kansai Electric Power Co. Inc.

KBA = key biodiversity area

KCMIL or KCM = thousand circular mils (size of electricity conductor)

kg/ha/yr = kilograms per hectare per year

kg/hh/yr = kilograms per household per year

kg/m^2 = kilograms per square meter

KGPC = Kobe Green Power Company

KHPS = kinetic hydropower system

KHR = Khmer Riel

km = kilometer

km^2 = square kilometer

kN = kilo Newton

KN = Lao Kip

KOICA = Korea International Cooperation Agency

KOWEPO = Korea Western Power

KPIs = key performance indicators

Ktoe = Kilotons of oil equivalent

kV = kilovolt

kVA = Kilo Volt Ampere. In a 100% efficient system kW = kVA.

kVAR = Kilo Volt Ampere Reactive

kW = kilowatt. In a 100% efficient system kW = kVA.

kWh = kilowatt hour

LACP = Land Acquisition and Compensation Plan

LaCSA = Lao Climate Services for Agriculture

LAD = Lao Dam Association

LAK = Lao Kip

LAN = Local Area Network

Lao PDR = Lao People’s Democratic Republic

LARP = Land Acquisition and Resettlement Plan

lbs. = pounds (weight)

LC = letter of credit

LCC = Luang Paseuth Construction Sole Co.

LCE = Lao National Committee for Energy

LCG = Lao Consulting Group

LCHSR = Lao-China High-Speed Railway

LCOE = Levelized Cost of Energy

LCR = Lao(s)-China Railway in Laos is powered by rainfall

LCU = local control units

LDC = Least Developed Country

LDC = load dispatch center - central authority that continuously monitors, manages and optimizes electric power inputs into the grid

LDPE = Low-density polyethylene

LEAP = Long-range Energy Alternatives Planning

LECS = Lao Expenditure and Consumption Survey

LEPTS = Lao Electric Power Technical Standards

LFC = Load Frequency Control

LFCR = Load Frequency Control and Reserves

LFNC = Lao Front for National Construction

L/H = length / height

LHSE = Lao Holding State Enterprise

LIRP = Livelihood and Income Restoration Plan

LL = load loss

LLC = Limited Liability Company

LLDC = Land-Locked Developing Country

LLO = low-level outlet

LMB = Lower Mekong Basin - the Lao, Thai, Cambodian & Vietnamese portions of the Mekong River.

LMC = Lancang-Mekong Cooperation (intergovernmental institution)

LMCCD = Lancang–Mekong Cooperation and Conflict Database

LMCSF = Lancang-Mekong Cooperation Special Fund

LMC Water Center = Lancang-Mekong Water Resources Cooperation Center

LMDP = Lancang-Mekong Development Plan

LMI = Lower Mekong Initiative

LMR = Lancang-Mekong River

LMRB = Lancang-Mekong River Basin

LMS  = Load Management System 

LMWCD = Lancang–Mekong Water Cooperation Database

LMWRCC = Lancang-Mekong Water Resources Cooperation Center

LNCE = Lao National Committee for Energy

LNG = Liquified Natural Gas - natural gas (methane) in cryogenic storage.

LNMC = Lao National Mekong Committee

LNNL = a type of electric wire for single-phase meters

LNTA = Lao National Tourism Administration

LOL = lowest operating level

LOLE = loss of load expectation

LPCL = Luang Prabang Power Company Limited

LPD = Luang Prabang (Dam) downstream

LPFL = Oji-Laos Plantation Forestry Ltd.

LPG = Liquefied Petroleum Gas

LPHPP = Luang Prabang Hydropower Project

lpm = liters per minute

LPRP = Lao People’s Revolutionary Party

LPRYU = – Lao People’s Revolutionary Youth Union

LPU = Luang Prabang (Dam) upstream

LRC = Livelihood Restoration Committee

LRO = Law on Resettlement and Occupation

LRWL = lowest regulated water level

LSC = local stakeholder consultations

LSE = Load-Serving Entity

LSFCP = Lao-Swedish Forestry Cooperation Program

Ltd. = Limited (liability)

LTESA = Lenders’ Technical, Environmental and Social Advisors

LTM-PIP = Laos-Thailand-Malaysia Power Integration Project

LTMS-PIP = Laos-Thailand-Malaysia-Singapore power integration project

LTSA = Long-Term Service Agreement

LU/LC = Land Use/Land Cover

LURC = Land Use Right Certificate

L×W×H = Length×Width×Height

LWU = Lao Womens Union

m = meter

M. = Muang

m2 = square meters

m3 = cubic meters

m3/s = cubic meters per second

MA95 = 1995 Agreement on cooperation for sustainable development of the Mekong River Basin

MAEE = French Ministry of Foreign Affairs (French acronym)

MAF = Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry

MAR = Mean Annual Runoff

MARD = Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (in Vietnam)

MASAP = Mekong Adaptation Strategy Action Plan

masl (msl) = meters above sea level

MCE = Maximum Credible Earthquake

mcm = million cubic meters

MCM = abbreviation for thousands of circular mils, an old measurement of wire gauge.

MCP = Mitigation and Compensation Program

MCPP = Managed Co-Lending Portfolio Program (Vietnam)

MCs = member countries

MCTPC = Ministry of Communication, Transportation, Post and Construction

MDB = multilateral development banks

MDF = Mixed Deciduous Forest

MDGs = Millennium Development Goals

MDM = Mekong Dam Monitor - reports hydrologic indicators in the Mekong Basin in near-real time.

M&E = Monitoring and Evaluation

M&E = machinery & equipment

MEM = Ministry of Environment and Mines

MFCB = Mega First Corporation Berhad

MFD = Mekong Fish Database

MFWL = Maximum Flood Water Level

mg/L = milligrams per liter

MHX = Mahaxay

MIH = Ministry of Industry and Handicrafts

MIH = Mekong Investment Holding JSC

MIGA = Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency

mil. = million

min. = minute

MLC = Mekong-Lancang Cooperation

MLF = marginal loss factor

MLS = Manual Load Shedding

mm = millimeter

MOAF = Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry

MODIS = Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer

MOE = Ministry of Energy (in Thailand)

MOEM = Ministry of Energy and Mining

MOF = Ministry of Finance

MOIC = Ministry of Industry and Commerce (

MoICT = Ministry of Information, Communication and Tourism

MOL = Minimum Operating Level

MoMEL = Ministry of Mines and Energy, Lao PDR

MONRE = Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment

MORE = Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment

MoU = Memorandum of Understanding

MPa = MegaPascal or Million Pascal (pressure measurement)

MPI = Ministry of Planning and Investment

MPS = Mobile power station

MPWT = Ministry of Public Works and Transport

MRB = Mekong River Basin

MRB-IF = Mekong River Basin Indicator Framework

MRC = Mekong River Commission

MRC DSF = Mekong River Commission Decision Support Framework 

MRC JC  = Mekong River Commission Joint Committee

MRC PDG = Mekong River Commission Preliminary Design Guidance

MRC-SEDB = MRC Basin-Wide Socio-Economic Database

MRC SP = Mekong River Commission Strategic Plan

MRCS = Mekong River Commission Secretariat

MRC TD = MRC Technical Support Division

m/s = meters per second

MSC = management service contract

MSDS = Material Safety Data Sheet

msl = mean sea level

masl = meters above sea level

MSY = Maximum Sustainable Yield

mt = million tons

MTG = micro turbine generation/generator

MTOE = million tons of oil equivalent

MTR = Mid-Term Review

MUSD = Million US dollars

MVA = megavolt ampere

MW = megawatt

MWh = megawatt hours

MWL = Maximum Water Level

MWM = Mobile Workforce Management 

MWp = peak megawatt

MWP = Multi-Year Work Plan

N/A = not applicable

NA = National Assembly

NAFRI = National Agricultural and Forestry Research Institute

NARO = National Agriculture and Food Research Organization (in Japan)

NARPDP = Northern Area Rural Power Distribution Project

NASC = National Assembly Standing Committee

NATM = New Austrian Tunneling Method

NAWACOP = Nam Ngum Watershed Management and Conservation Project

NBCA = National Biodiversity Conservation Area

NBPCL = Nam Bi Power Company Ltd.

NCC = National Consulting Company

NCEP = National Center for Environmental Prediction

NCH1HP = Nam Che 1 Hydropower

NE = northeast

NEAP = Nation Environmental Action Plan

NEC = ​National Electrical Code (USA)

NEDA = Neighboring Countries Economic Development Cooperation Agency

NEFCO = Nordic Environment Finance Corporation

NEG = Navigation Expert Group

NEM HPP = Nam Emoun Hydropower Project

NEPC = National Energy Policy Council (in Thailand)

NESMC = National Environment and Social Management Committee

NG = Natural gas (mainly methane)

NGC = National Grid Code

NGD = National Geographic Department

NGGS = National Green Growth Strategy

NGL = Natural gas liquids (ethane, propane, butane, isobutane and natural gasoline)

NGO = Non Governmental Organization

NGPES = National Growth and Poverty Eradication Strategy

NHDHP = Nam Hinboun Downstream Hydropower Project (Nam Hinboun 1 HPP)

NIP = National Indicative Plan

NL1PC = Nam Lik 1 Power Company Limited

NLDC = National Load Dispatch Center

NLMA = National Land Management Authority

NLPC = Nam Lik Power Company

NM1 = Nam Mang 1

NM3 = Nam Mang 3

NM3HP = Nam Mang 3 Hydropower Project

NM-B cable = type of Non-Metallic sheathed electric conductor

NMC = National Mekong Committee

NMC = non-metallic sheathed cable

NMCS = National Mekong Committee Secretariat

NMCs = National Mekong Committees

NMRC = National Mekong River Commission

NN1 = Nam Ngum 1

NN2PC = Nam Ngum 2 Power Company Limited

NN2HPP = Nam Ngum 2 Hydropower Project

NN3 = Nam Ngum 3 Hydropower Project

NN3PC = Nam Ngum 3 Power Company

NN4 = Nam Ngum 4 Hydropower Project

NN5 = Nam Ngum 5 Hydropower Project

NNB = Nam Ngum Basin

NNG1 HPP = Nam Ngum 1 Hydropower Plant

NNHP-1 = Nam Ngiep 1 Hydropower Project

NNHPC = Nam Nhone Hyropower Co.

NNP1 = Nam Ngiep 1

NNP1PC = Nam Ngiep 1 Hydropower Power Company

NNRB = Nam Ngum River Basin

NNT = Nakai Nam Thuen

NNT NPA = Nakai Nam Thuen National Protected Area

NOFIP = National Office for Forest Inventory and Planning

NOPC = Nam Ou River Basin Hydropower Company

NORAD = Norwegian Agency for Development

NPA = National Protected Area

NPA = Non-Profit Associations

NPAD = National Protected Area Division

NPCSAP = National Pollution Control Strategy and Action Plan

NPDP = National Power Development Plan

NPESSHS = National Policy on Environment and Social Sustainability of the Hydropower Sector

NPPC = Nam Phay Power Company Ltd.

NPPC = Nam Phoun Power Company Limited

NPSHD = National Policy on Sustainable Hydropower Development

NPV = net present value

Nr. = number

NREB = National Renewable Energy Board

NREL = National Renewable Energy Laboratory

NRESR = Natural Resources and Environment Statistics and Research Institute

NSC = National Statistics Center

NSEDP = National Socio-Economic Development Plan

NT = Nam Taep 1,2,3 Hydropower Company Ltd.

NTEC = Nam Theun 2 Electricity Company

NTFP = Non-Timber Forest Product

NTP = Nam Theun Power Company

NTPC = Nam Theun 2 Power Company

NTU = Nephelometric Turbidity Unit, a unit used to measure turbidity of a fluid or the presence of suspended particles in water

NT1HPP = Nam Theun 1 Hydropower Project

NT1PC = Nam Theun 1 Power Company

NT2HPP = Nam Theun 2 Hydropower Project

NUOL = National University of Laos

N2O = nitrous oxide; a type of greenhouse gas; also used as an inhalation anaesthetic

NW = northwest

NWH = Powerchina Northwest Engineering Corporation Limited

NWL = normal water level

O3 = ozone

OAAs = Other Aquatic Animals (other than fish - mussels, snails, turtles, frogs, shrimps, crabs, etc.)

OAA/P = ? Other Aquatic Animals & Plants ?

Occ = occasional

OCEG = Operations Coordination Expert Group

OCEO = Office of the Chief Executive Officer, Mekong River Commission Secretariat

O.D. = outside diameter

ODA = Official Development Assistance

OECD = Organization  for  Economic  Cooperation  and Development

OEM - original equipment manufacturer

OFR = Optimal Feeder Reconfiguration

OHGW = Overhead Ground Wire

OHTL = Overhead Transmission Line

OITC = Office of Information Technology and Communication

OJT = On the Job Training

OLR = Overload Relay

O & M = Operating and Maintenance

OM = Operating Margin

OMS = Operations Monitoring Scheme

OMS = Outage Management System

OP/BP = Operational Policy Bank Procedures (of World Bank)

OPEX = operating expenditures

OPGW = Optical Ground Wire

OPS = Operational Planning and Scheduling

ORP = oxidation reduction potential

OSTE = Organisation for Science, Technology and Environment (same as STENO)

O/U = over / under

OVs = Overseas Vietnamese

OWL = Operating Water Level

P2P = Power to the Poor (Lao program to help the poor connect)

p.a. = per annum; per year

PABX = Private automatic branch exchange

PAFO = Provincial Agriculture and Forestry Office

PAH = Project-Affected Households

PAP = Project-Affected People or Project-Affected Persons

PAR = population at risk

PBC = Preferentiall Buyers Credit

PBCA = Provincial Biodiversity Conservation Area

PBHPP = Pak Beng Hydropower Project

PBM = Phou Bia Mine

PCB = printed circuit board

PCC = Plain Cement Concrete

PCD = Public Consultations and Disclosure

PCOA = Put and call option agreement

PCP = Power control panel

PCPP = Public Consultation and Participation Process

PCR = Project Completion Report

PD = Power Density

PD = Planning Division

PDA = Project Development Agreement

PDD = Project Design Document

PDG = Preliminary Design Guidance

PDIES = Procedures for Data and Information Exchange and Sharing

PDMP = power development master plan

PDO = Project Development Objective

PDP = power development plan

PDR = People's Democratic Republic

PE = Primary Energy

PEA = Provincial Electricity Authority (in Thailand)

PEC = power electronic conversion (such as DC to AC from solar panels)

PEMO = Provincial Energy and Mines Office

p.f. = power factor

PF = Private Financing or Project Financing

PFCs = perfluorinated carbons; a type of greenhouse gas

PFMFRD = Protection Forest Management and Forest Rehabilitation Division (of Lao Department of Forestry)

PFS = Pre-Feasibility Study

PGRC = Provincial Grievance Redress Committee

PHAP = Public Health Action Plan

PHO = Provincial Health Office

PHP = Pico hydropower

PIM = Participatory irrigation management

PIPSC = Provincial Investment Promotion Steering Committee

PIT = Passive Integrated Transponder

PIZ = Project Impact Zone

PIZ = peripheral impact zone

PKK Park = Phou Khao Khouay Park

PLC = programmable logic controller - used to automate electro-mechanical processes

PLHPP = Pak Lay Hydropower Project

PLL = potential loss of life

PM = Prime Minister

PMB2 = Power Project Management Board 2 (Vietnam govt.)

PMF = Probable Maximum Flood

PMFM = Procedures for Maintenance of Flows on the Mainstream (Mekong)

PMO = Prime Minister’s Office

PMP = Probable Maximum Precipitation

PNC = Xe-Pian Xe-Namnoy Power Company

PNPC = Xe-Pian Xe-Namnoy Power Co., Ltd.

PNPCA = Procedures for Notification of Prior Consultation and Agreement – by Mekong River Commission

PoA = Program of Activities

POD = Point of Delivery

POE = Panel of Experts

PONRE = Provincial Office of Natural Resources and Environment

Post Ante = a forecast based on actual results

PPA = Power Purchase Agreement

PPA = Provincial Protected Area

PPDP = Provincial Power Development Plan

PPE = Personal Protective Equipmen

ppm = parts per million

PPP = public-private-partnership

PPS = Power Purchase Supplier

PPT = Project Preparation Team

ppt = parts per thousand

PQ = Pre-Qualification

PRA = participatory rural-community assessment

PRC = Provincial Resettlement Committee

PRC = People’s Republic of China

PRF = Paddy Rice Field

PRG = political risk guarantees

PRI = Political Risk Insurance

PRLRC = Provincial Resettlement and Livelihood Restoration Committee

PRMLCRC = Provincial Resettlement Management and Living Condition Restoration Committee

PRP = Preliminary Resettlement Plan

PRP = Proactive Regional Planning

P/S = power station

PSDP = Public Sector Development Program

PSG = Phongsubthavy Group

PSG = Phonesack Group

PSH = Pumped storage hydropower

PSHD = Policy on Sustainable Hydropower Development

PSI = pounds per square inch - a unit of pressure resulting from a force of one pound-force applied to an area of one square inch - 1 foot of water head = 0.43 psi of pressure

PSI = Pollution Standards Index - a numerical index used for reporting the severity of air pollution levels to the public. For current levels in Laos see https://www.iqair.com/laos .

PSOD = Private Sector Operations Department

PSP = Power supply panel

PSS = Power System Stabilizer

PSU = primary sampling unit

PTDP = Power Transmission and Distribution Project

PTS = PT Sole Co., Ltd.

PV = Photovoltaic

PVC = Polyvinyl Chloride

PVF = Photovoltaic floating (solar cells on structures floating in water)

PWF = period weighting factor

PWG = Planning Working Group

PWQ = Procedures for Water Quality

PWUM = Procedures for Water Use Monitoring

Q1 = first quarter

Q2 = second quarter

Q3 = third quarter

Q4 = fourth quarter

qty. = quantity

RAP = Resettlement Action Plan

RAT = Reservoir Assessment Tool

RC = Resettlement Committee

RCA = root cause analysis

RCC = Regional Control Center

RCC = Roller-Compacted Concrete

RCC = River Continuum Concept - a model for classifying and describing flowing water based on width, depth, velocity and sediment load while taking into account biological factors.

RCP = Regional Cooperation Program

RCT = Rule Curve Tool

Rd. = Road

RE = Renewable Energy

RE = rural electrification

REA = ??? REA site = ??

RECS = River Current Conversion System

REDP = resettlement and ethnic development plan

REDS = Renewable Energy Development Strategy

REMP = Rural Electrification Master Plan

REMDP = Resettlement & Ethnic Minority Development Plan

REP = Rural Electrification Program

REPELC = residential price of electricity

RETA = regional technical assistance program

REZ = renewable energy zone

RFDMC = Regional Flood and Drought Management Center (formerly named RFMMC = Regional Flood Management and Mitigation Center))

RFFS = River Flood Forecasting System

RFI = radio frequency interference

RFMMC = Regional Flood Management and Mitigation Center [in early 2019 was renamed ‘the Regional Flood and Drought Management Center (RFDMC)]

RFP = Request for Proposal

RGC = Regional Grid Code

RGC = Royal Government of Cambodia

RHEAS = Regional Hydrological Extreme Assessment System

RIS = River Information System  - provides info to aid safe river travel (water levels, oncoming vessels size and speed, incidents and accidents, weather forecast and reports).

RMB = Renminbi

RMU = Resettlement Management Unit

ROR (RoR) = Run of the River

ROW = Right of Way

RPCC = Regional Power Coordination Center

RPM = Riverine Plastic Monitoring

rpm = revolutions per minute

RPSU = Reserve power supply unit

RPTCC  = Regional Power Trade Coordination Committee

RPTOA = Regional Power Trade Operating Agreement

RRA = Rotating Rectifier assembly (for generator)

RSAT = Rapid Basin-wide Sustainability Assessment Tool

RSF = Regional Stakeholders Forum

RSL = Residual Static Load

RTM = Round Table Meeting

RTUs = Remote Terminal Units

RTWG = Regional Technical Working Group

r/m = revolutions per minute

RWG = Resettlement Working Group

s. = second (1/60th of a minute)

SA = Substation Automation

SAMIS = Strengthening Agro-climatic Monitoring and Information Systems

SAPE = sector assistance program evaluation

SBEM = Strategy for Basin-wide Environmental Management

SBOR = State of Basin Report

SBSD = Support for Better Service Delivery

SC = steering committee

SCADA = Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition

SCC = Short Circuit Capacity

SCF = Strategic Climate Fund

SCI = SCI Electric Manufacturer Co., Ltd. Thailand

SCM = Stakeholder Consultation Meeting

SCTL = single circuit transmission line

SDC = Song Da Corporation

SDC = Swedish Organization for Development and Cooperation

SDGs = Sustainable Development Goals

SDIL = Serba Dinamik International Ltd.

SDP = Strategic Development Plan

SDPC = Spectrophotometric Determination of Chlorophyll A in the Presence of Pheophytin

SDR = special drawing right

SDR = social discount rate - used for computing the present value of social project funds costs and benefits

SE = Secondary Energy

SE = southeast

SEA = Strategic Environmental Assessment

SEAN = SouthEast Asia Energy Limited

SEG = Sediment Expert Group

SEIA = Social and Environmental Impact Assessment

SEMFOP = Social and Environmental Management Framework and Operational Plan

SESIA = Summary Environmental and Social Impact Assessment

SESO = Standard for Environmental and Social Obligations

SFC = static frequency converter

SGs = Safety guidelines

SHC = Sinohydro Corporation

SHD = Sustainable Hydropower Development

SHDS = Sustainable Hydropower Development Strategy

SHK = Sinohydro (Hong Kong) Holding Co

SHOA = standard hydropower operation agreement

SHP = Small Hydro Power

SHS = solar home system

SIA = Social Impact Assessment

SIDA = Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency

SII = Summary of Investment Information

SIL = surge impedance loading

SIM = Social Impact Monitoring

SIMVA = Social Impact Monitoring and Vulnerability Assessment

SK = SK Engineering & Construction

SKEC = SK Engineering and Construction Co.

SLRP = Supplemental Livelihood Restoration Plan

SME = small and medium-sized enterprises

SMG = Simuong Group or Simeuang Group Company Limited

SMMP = Social Monitoring and Management Plan

SMO = Social Management Office

SNHPP = Sanakham Hydropower Project

SOBR = State of Basin Report

SOE = state-owned enterprise

SOEG = Socio-economic Expert Group

SOP = standard operating procedure

SP = Strategic Plan

SPC = Special-Purpose Company

SPC = State Planning Committee

SPD = Strategic Planning Document

SPEI = Standardized Precipitation Evapotranspiration Index

SPI = Standardized Precipitation Index

SPI = Statistical Performance Indicator

SPP = Small power producer

SPRE = Southern Provinces Rural Electrification

SPS = Safeguard Policy Statement

SPV = special-purpose vehicle

sq = square

sq km = square kilometer

SRB = Sekong River Basin

SRI = Standardized Runoff Index

S/S (SS) = substation

SSA = share sale agreement

SSC = Suspended sediment concentration

STA = Short-Term Advisor

STEA = Science, Technology & Environment Agency (now WREA)

STENO = Science, Technology and Environment Organization

STI = short-term incentives

SW = southwest

SWAT = Soil & Water Assessment Tool

SWER = Single-wire earth return (single-wire ground return)

SWM = solid waste management

t = ton

t/km2/yr = tons per square kilometer per year

TA = Technical Assistance

TAB = Technical Advisory Body

TBC = Tie-line Bias Control

TB&CIA = Transboundary & Cumulative Impact Assessment

TbEIA = Trans-Boundary Environmental Impact Assessment

TBESIA = Transboundary Environmental and Social Impact Assessment

TBM = Tunnel-Boring Machine

T&D = Training and Development

T&D = transmission and distribution

TBL = Tractebel Asia Company Ltd.

TCE = Tons CO2 Equivalent

TC/TM = Tele-control and telemetry

TD = Technical Division

TDS = Total Dissolved Solids

TEP = Transmission expansion planning

TES = Total Energy Supply

TFAP = Tropical Forestry Action Plan

TFEC = total final energy consumption

TG = Technical Guideline

TG-PMFM = Technical Guidelines for Preserving Flows on the Mekong

TGS = Technical Guidelines or Technical Guidance Series

TGWQ = Technical Guidelines Water Quality

THB = Thai baht

THD = Total Harmonic Distortion

THHN = a code for electric conductor cable that is Thermoplastic High Heat Resistant

THHP = Theun-Hinboun Hydro Power

THPC = Theun-Hinboun Power Company Limited

THWN = a code for electric conductor cable that is Thermoplastic Heat and Water Resistant

THXP = Theun-Hinboun Expansion Project

TL (T/L) = transmission line

TNB = Tenaga Nasional Berhad (the only electric utility company in Peninsular Malaysia)

TNMC = Thailand National Mekong Committee

TO = Transmission Operator

TOR (ToR) = terms of reference

TOU = Time of Use (for electricity tariff rate)

TPD = tons per day

TPES = total primary energy supply

TPY = tons per year

TRANSCO = Transmission Company

TRG = Technical Review Group

TRR = Technical Review Report

TSC = Technical Service Centre

TSO = Transmission System Operator

TSP = total suspended particulate matter

TSS = Total Suspended Solids

TTC = transmission transfer capability

TWh = terawatt hour

TWINS = Transboundary Water Interaction Nexus

TWL = tailrace water level

UF = Underground Feeder cable

UFLS = Under Frequency Load Shedding

UHV = Ultra-high-voltage electricity transmission

UMB = Upper Mekong Basin - the Chinese and Myanmar portions of the Lancang (Mekong) River

UNCITRAL = United Nations Commission on International Trade Law

UNDP = United Nations Development Program

UNEP = United Nations Environment Program

UNESCO = United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

UNFCCC = United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change

URF = Upland Rice Field

URF = Upper Rule Factor

U/S = upstream

USACE = United States Army Corps of Engineers

USAID = United States Agency for International Development

USD = United States Dollar

USGS = United States Geological Survey

UTFI = Underground taming of floods for irrigation - involves diverting excess water flows from rivers or canals into underground recharging of groundwater reserves

UXO = Unexploded Ordnance; unexploded bombs, land mines, etc.

V = volt

VA = volt-ampere is a measurement of power in a direct current (DC) electrical circuit or in alternating current (AC) circuits.

VA = Vulnerability Assessment

VAC = Volts Alternating Current - a measure of the strength of an alternating electric field.

VASE = Vientiane Automation and Solution Engineering

VAT = value-added tax

VDB = Vietnam Development Bank

VDC = Volts Direct Current

VDC = Vertical Deflection Circuit

VDC = Village Development Committee

VEC = valued environmental components

VFT = variable frequency transformer

VIC = Variable Infiltration Capacity

VICU = Voltage insulation control unit

VLPC = Viet Lao Power Joint Stock Company

VND = Vietnam Dong

VNMC = Vietnam National Mekong Committee

VRE = variable renewable energy (solar cells, wind power, etc.)

VSC = voltage-source converter

VSPP = Very Small Power Producer

W2BL = wetlands and watershed biodiversity and livelihoods

WACC = weighted average cost of capital

WB = World Bank

WBG = World Bank Group

WC = water quality

WCA = Watershed Conservation Authority

WCD = World Commission on Dams

WCLC = Working Capital Letter of Credit

WCT = Water Current Turbine

WEF = Water-Energy-Food nexus

WEPA = Water Environment Partnership Asia

WES = Waterways Experiment Station

WES weir = various types of weir developed and tested by US-based Waterways Experiment Station

WGPG = Working Group on Performance Standards and Grid Code

WGPO = Working Group Planning and Operations

WGRI = Working Group on Regulatory Issues

WLA = Wetland Area

WLE = Water, Land and Ecosystems Greater Mekong

WLE CGIAR =  Water, Land and Ecosystems - Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research Program

WMO = World Meteorological Organization 

WMP = Watershed Management Plan

WMPA = Watershed Management and Protection Authority

WMS = Work Management Systems 

WPI = Water Pollution Index

WPTO = Water Power Technologies Office

WQMN = Water Quality Monitoring Network

WREA = Water Resources & Environment Administration

WREO = Water Resources and Environment Office

WSMP = Watershed Management Plan

WTE = waste-to-energy

WTO = World Trade Organization

WUA = Water User Association / Water Use Authority

WUP = Water Utilization Plan

WWF = World Wildlife Fund

XBR = Xayabouri

XK1 = XeKong 1 Hydropower Project

XK2 = XeKong 2 Hydropower Project

XK3 = XeKong 3 Hydropower Project

XK4 = Xekong 4 Power Company Limited

XK4A = XeKong 4A Hydropower Project

XK4B = XeKong 4B Hydropower Project

XK5 = XeKong 5 Hydropower Project

XKM1 = Xekaman 1  Power Company Limited

XKM1PC = Xekaman 1 Power Company Limited

XKM3 = Xekaman 3  Power Company

XPCL = Xayaburi Power Company Limited

XTPPL = Xekong Thermal Power Plant Company Limited

XTRR = Xayaburi Technical Review Report

YPUA = Yield per unit area

yr. = year